Red Hill Additions
The studio is located nestled among the many large granite outcrop features of this property, out and over the steep escarpment, providing an aspiring and elevated position with breathtaking panoramic views. Considerable care was taken in designing the studio and its ample decks to take full advantage of integrating the granite outcrops. Constructed with a simple minimal base structure of large diameter round steel poles finished in a dark colour, the studio floats from the edge of the scarp.
A path weaves between rock outcrops and eucalypts to the studio. Having extensive glass facing north, the roof overhangs have been designed to fully shade the stacking bifold doors in summer, yet allow warming sunlight to penetrate deep into the spaces throughout winter, thus reducing and at times eliminating the need for artificial heating and lighting during the cooler months of the year. With heavily insulated floor, walls and roof, the studio maintains a comfortable space in which to be creative while minimising the need to rely on artificial heating or cooling. The design provides opportunities for efficient cross ventilation in both directions to capture any natural air movement to maximise natural ventilation. Material selection has been carefully chosen in order to be sympathetic to the surrounding topography environment.